Ozone Therapy (IV and Injection) Clinic / Doctor in Downtown Toronto Near Me
Ozone therapy is a medical therapy that can treat a variety of ailments, depending on how it is used. It can be injected directly into a joint, muscle or tendon, or be infused into the blood through intravenous injection. One of the most popular uses of Ozone is through the skin, via an ozone sauna or bagging. Ozone therapy has been used in a variety of ways for over 100 years, from an anti-fungal to healing agent. The Upper Room uses ozone therapy as a medical tool for its ability to decrease inflammation and modulate the immune system. It is a powerful biohacking tool and can be helpful to a variety of conditions such as chronic pain, fibromyalgia (eg. diffuse pain), migraines, chronic fatigue syndrome, candidiasis , congestive heart failure and cardiovascular disease, autoimmune disorders & allergies, eye conditions (eg. macular degeneration), arthritis and diabetes.
Toronto Ozone IV Therapy
Hyperbaric IV Ozone Therapy is the infusion of ozone gas into the bloodstream through a continuous, sterile, closed system. At the mid arm, an IV is inserted that is connected to a pressure line which leads to a vacuum sealed bottle. The negative pressure caused by the vacuum sealed bottle pulls the blood from your vein into the bottle, reaching a volume of 200ml each ‘pass’. The Ozone generator infuses Ozone Gas into the bottle. Once the ozonated blood is returned to you via the same IV site, a ‘pass’ is considered completed.
Generally, Hyperbaric IV Ozone Therapy is completed in 10 passes, which is why it is colloquially known as the ‘10 pass’ or ‘IV Ozone 10 Pass’.
Within 10 passes, approximately 2 liters of blood is filtered, ozonated and activated. It takes anywhere between 45 minutes to 1 hr and 30 minutes to complete 10 passes.
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Ozone Sauna
In just thirty minutes, restore your body from aches and pains, replenish energy levels and burn 400-600 calories. This therapy combines 9 modalities in one session to get the most out of your time.
Reported Benefits:
- Immune Boosting
- Faster Wound & Injury Recovery
- Removes Toxins and Free Radicals
- Cleans Arteries and Veins
- Turns Fat into Muscle
- Improves Circulation
- Reduces Blood Pressure
- Relieves Pain & Calms Nervous System
How does it work?
- Reduces Inflammation
- Normalizes Hormone and Enzyme Production
- Increases Activity of Natural Healing Pathways
- Rebalances Cellular Charge
- Increases Anti Inflammatory Pathways
Ozone Injection in Toronto
Ozone Injection involves the injection of ozone gas into a joint or muscle to provide pain relief and healing of the area. This treatment is appropriate for both chronic and acute pain. It works by modulating your existing inflammatory response in the area injected which results in fast pain relief.
This procedure takes about 20 minutes. The physician will assess the area requiring treatment, inform you about ozone therapy and ask any additional questions before the procedure. The injection lasts a few seconds and is relatively painless.
What can it help?
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Muscle sprains & strains
- Mensical tears and joint disorders
- Herniated discs