1849 Yonge Street, Suite 810, Toronto, ON M4S 1Y2 • 165 Cross Ave, Suite 105, Oakville, ON L6J 0A9

Prolotherapy Injection Treatment Therapy Clinic Near Me in Toronto, Okaville and Ontario

Prolotherapy is an injection of a combination of dextrose and other proinflammatory agents. When injected into a joint facet or muscle it incites an immune response to increase inflammation of the area. This increases blood flow and the aggregation of natural healing agents.

Upper Room Clinic is a medical clinic in Downtown Toronto that offers prolotherapy, otherwise known as dextrose, regenerative injection therapy (RIT) or Proliferative Injection Therapy (PIT). It is similar to Regenokine, stem cell therapy and prolozone treatment.




What does it do?

upper room prolotherapy
upper room prolotherapy 2

Conditions Treated with Prolotherapy

Toronto Prolotherapy FAQs

upper room o-shot 1
botox injections 2

Prolotherapy Primer