High Dose Vitamin Clinic Near Me in Toronto, Oakville & Across Ontario
We are a private downtown Toronto clinic that offers more than four different types of High Dose Vitamin C IV / intravenous drip injection therapies depending on your therapeutic needs.
We offer High Dose Vitamin C infusions from doses that range 5 to 75 grams. Our drips include magnesium, calcium, zinc, selenium, B6, B5, B12, B complex to complement the antioxidant potential of ascorbic acid.
We also offer other forms of Vitamin IV Drip Therapy in our Toronto Clinic.
We welcome clients from across Ontario, including North York, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Etobicoke, Scarborough, Oshawa, Whitby, Markham, Mississauga and Oakville.

High Dose Vitamin C Infusion Clinic in Toronto
- Ascorbic acid, aka. vitamin c, is an antioxidant that we ingest through our nutrient intake. It is known to help boost the immune system, clean up free radicals and has shown to play a role in collagen production.
- Vitamin C can be given intravenously through IV infusion (directly into the bloodstream through vein) or by the mouth. Higher levels can be absorbed when taken intravenously.
- High dose vitamin C has been explored as an anti-aging and cancer treatment for over 25 years.
- There is evidence to suggest that when high dose vitamin C is combined with therapies designed to target terminal illness, it can boost the effectiveness of these treatments.
- Intravenous high dose vitamin C therapy has shown to have few side effects in clinical trials.
- Ascorbic acid is generally approved as a dietary supplement but has not been approved for cancer or any other medical condition. High dosages of vitamin C are commonly ingested by the public to prevent colds, the flu and other illnesses from increasing in severity.
High Dose Vitamin C Infusion Drip Menu
Basic Vitamin and Amino Acids
This vitamin drip includes 5 grams of Vitamin C. It is designed to increase the baseline levels of essential vitamins, minerals and amino acid to aid in recovery and illness prevention. Other ingredients include Vitamin B5, B6, B12, B-complex, folic acid and an amino acid combination.
30 min
Immune Boost
This vitamin drip includes 10 grams of Vitamin C. It is designed to provide support to the immune system when you feel that your immune response is compromised. Our special ingredient from Germany provides a homeopathic antiviral remedy found exclusively at our location. The ingredients: 10 grams vitamin c, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride, potassium chloride, zinc chloride, B-100 complex, homeopathic antiviral and selenium.
30-60 min
Mega C Anti-Viral
This vitamin drip contains 50 grams of Vitamin C and high amounts of other essential vitamins and minerals vital for healthy immune system functioning. Other ingredients include magnesium chloride, zinc sulphate, selenium, B5, B6, B12 and B-complex.
4 hours
High Dose Vitamin C (HDVC)
As a potent antioxidant, Vitamin C has shown to scavenge free radicals, boost the immune system and promote optimal cellular functioning. We offer infusions of 15, 20, 25, 50 and 75 grams of Vitamin C per session, duration of treatment depends on the dose of Vitamin C. Prices and infusion time are available on our booking widget.

What is High Dose Vitamin C?
Vitamin C (aka. L-ascorbic acid or ascorbate) is a key nutrient that humans must ingest from food or any other dietary supplements. Vitamin C cannot be made in the body. When the body does not get enough Vitamin C, many of the key processes in the body begin to fail and the development of scurvy, lethargy and blood thinning occur.
High Dose Vitamin C therapy is the infusion of a ‘large load’ of Vitamin C directly into the bloodstream to kick-start the physiological processes that prevent the conditions named above from occurring. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that prevents high levels of oxidative stress, one of the major causes for illness and disease. Free radicals (oxidative stress) jump around the body destroying DNA, thus causing mistakes when our cells replicate. What happens after DNA is damaged inside of a cell and the immune system is unable to detect the cell with damaged DNA?
Oxidative stress occurs as a result of psychological, physical and environmental stress. It is also a natural process that occurs in our body when our mitochondria creates ATP from oxygen and water. The mitochondria is the ‘powerhouse’ of the cell and has shown to be Key to the activation of the immune system in response to foreign pathogens.
What are the possible side effects of High Dose Vitamin C Infusion therapy?
Patients who have a history of kidney stones should not undergo High Dose Vitamin C therapy.
Other possible side effects: Diarrhea-Nausea-Vomiting-Heartburn-Abdominal cramps-Headache-Insomnia
Can I drink alcohol the day before and then have a High Dose Vitamin C drip?
If you are undergoing a Vitamin C drip greater than 5 grams we strongly advise against ingesting alcohol the day before or the day of your treatment. Any substance that dehydrates you will put extra stress on your system exacerbating the possible side effects of this treatment and diminishing the treatment effectiveness overall.
In fact, you will receive an email upon booking that strongly advises coming VERY hydrated to your appointment. Along with having eaten a meal at least 1.5 hours before your treatment time.
Is there a difference between natural and synthetic ascorbic acid?
They are exactly the same.
Current science shows that whether you ingest Vitamin C supplements or eat an orange, the body takes in the vitamin the exact same way.