1849 Yonge Street, Suite 810, Toronto, ON M4S 1Y2 • 165 Cross Ave, Suite 105, Oakville, ON L6J 0A9


With the leadership of Dr Biljana Kostovic, a chronic pain specialist with thirty years of experience as a physician, our ethos is clear: we strive to transform the patient’s experience of healthcare. Dr. Kostovic currently serves as an adjunct professor at McMaster University and is a member of several groups such as The American College for the Advancement of Medicine, Ozone Without Borders, The Institute for Functional Medicine, Canadian Pain Society and the International Association for the Study of Pain.

Our Approach

We believe in a functional health management strategy – not a one-stop, fix-all, answer. We combine strong interpersonal skills and compassion with functional modalities such as Ozone Therapy, nutritional supplements, traditional medication, various injections, and lifestyle modifications. Our program aims to get to know your needs from the inside-out. We believe that you, as a person, are unique. Perhaps your main focus is chronic pain— but what are the underlying factors that affect your pain? We’d like to find out.

the upper room clinic approach
Meet the Team

Sharing Knowledge is Caring